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Stephanie shares her profound journey from the brink of death to a life rebuilt on strength, courage, and divine purpose..


Discover Stephanie's journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth as she grappled with PTSD in the aftermath.


Learn about the roads to recovery, filled with hope, healing, and an undying spirit to overcome.

Reinvent You

“Pain to Purpose” unveils the incredible story of Stephanie Schurman, a woman who defied death and found her purpose through faith and resilience.


Witness the birth of a renewed purpose, a life testament to survival and hope.


In the face of unfathomable adversity, Stephanie Schurman found not just the strength to survive, but a divine calling that transformed her tragic narrative into one of hope, resilience, and rebirth. In her poignant eBook “Pain to Purpose,”


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Stephanie Schurman

In February 1993 hours a survivor of sexual assault stabbed multiple times by the enemy and left to die in my own blood. But God said no, you shall not die but live and declare the works of me. I woke up in the hospital after being intensive care for four to five days all at once. My world was shattered up until that instant. My life. And great, I didn't know pain inside. To deal with this aftermath of almost losing my life, I developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which I was told was very normal considering what I had been through.

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Jane Doe

CEO, ABC Organization

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John Doe

CEO, ABC Organization

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Jane Doe

CEO, ABC Organization

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